Raising children

What can be fed to the baby after birth? If the elders want to drink water mixed with honey and sugar, can it be given?

Breast milk after the baby's only meal from birth to six months of age. It is said that there is no need to give a drop of water at this time. Exclusive Breastfeeding The newborn should be breastfed within one hour of birth. If the mother has a cesarean operation, the newborn will breastfeed or dance.
Because shawl milk is very important for the mother and all the necessary elements of the baby's body. These ingredients prevent the baby's disease, meaning that the baby's first vaccine is milk.

Since you have to understand the latest Mofiz that the newborn should not be given water mixed with honey, sugar, water, formula, etc. Many people think that they use formula milk because the baby gets less milk in the beginning. Extremely necessary food.
The benefits of formula milk in the advertisement are talked about. There is a lot of harm in feeding them. For example, formula milk often contains some harmful ingredients.

Many of us know that many babies have died due to a harmful ingredient called melamine in formula milk. In our country too, it had an impact then and breastfeeding will not benefit the baby.
It is true that the mother has benefited from the release of hormones in the mother's body, which later helps to return to normal.

In addition, the mother's risk of breast, cervical and ovarian cancer is reduced, the baby is closer to the mother, the mother's postpartum hemorrhage and weight loss.

Again infants are breastfed until the first six months of age. If the child's immunity is high, respiratory infections and diarrhea are 4 times less.

Behavioral psychological problems are less, the bond of affection with intelligence is better. Studies have shown that if you do not eat breast milk properly in those countries at an advanced age.

Give extra food after the baby is six months old.

Then the child should be given three types of food, fortifying rice, bread, potato, sweet potato, Harirampur etc. Etc. will take preventive measures and give as much added food as he likes. Do it with his name and success then he will gradually learn to name the food.

Is it better to use a walker to teach children to walk?

The idea that if a hawker is used the child will learn to lose quickly is wrong but the use of a walker can cause the child some difficulties.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has banned the use of Walker at this age. They say it could cause serious injury to the baby.

In the first four to five months after birth, the mother's synthesis is generally recorded and the family members will feed her.

Other physical benefits are more important than the disadvantages but meeting the emotional needs of a child according to his physical needs is equally important and the mental development of the necessary child can be properly.
Therefore, if mothers take care of their children, it is best to get close to them. There is a kind of faith that is formed which rains a deep security in him and once the faith is formed. Tea can be easily mixed with anyone who becomes self-reliant and can move forward in the lineage.

In general, when parents are not aware of their child's mental development, they begin to realize that their child may be lagging behind.

In fact, during the critical period of five years after birth, his brain develops faster. A child is born with only 30 percent water than the brain of an adult, but in the first three years, most of the brain development is completed by the age of 85 percent. This is the time when the child's basic outlook on life is formed. If he receives proper care and guidance at this time, it will determine how far he can go in the future.
Or the responsibility of the child's normal development is much more. He has to give quality time and attention.